Zdjęcia kobiet w czasie anoreksji i po anoreksji

zdjęcie kobiety z anoreksją i po wyjściu z choroby fot. instagram.com/bitingback
Nie musisz (a nawet nie powinnaś) wyglądać jak wieszak! One to udowadniają!
zdjęcie kobiety z anoreksją i po wyjściu z choroby fot. instagram.com/bitingback
Kult ciała to pewnego rodzaju choroba naszych czasów. Szczególnie wśród kobiet. Każda dąży do perfekcji. Niedoścignionym wzorem stają się więc wychudzone modelki. Dziewczyny na całym świecie stosują diety, uprawiają sport, często rezygnują z posiłków, a nawet nieświadomie popadają w anoreksję.

"Z odchudzaniem jest jak z hazardem. Raz wygrasz i chcesz więcej" - historia anorektyczki

Podczas gdy wszyscy się odchudzają, one pokazują, że dodatkowe kilogramy są potrzebne i dobre. Promują zdrowy styl życia oraz pokazują, jak złudna może być anoreksja. Same miały zaburzenia odżywiania, ale udało się im wyjść z tej pułapki i zacząć normalne, zdrowe życie. Zobacz ich zdjęcia przed i po. Widzisz równice?

Hayley Harris 

Hayley zaczęła się głodzić, bo marzyła o wyidealizowanym wyglądzie szczupłej modelki. Dziś wie, że anoreksja to choroba, która może nawet zabić. To dlatego promuje zdrowy styl życia i przekonuje inne kobiety, że bycie szkieletem nie oznacza bycia kobietą atrakcyjną. 

💗🌟 With this month marking the first year anniversary of the start of my worst relapse to date and my admission into hospital a short while later it makes me massively reflect as to how far both psychically and mentally I have come. An eating disorder or mental disorder DOES NOT HAVE A LOOK, I have an eating disorder in the photo on the left and I still have an eating disorder on the photo on the right. The difference being that I AM IN FAR MORE CONTROL AND I GET TO CHOOSE MY LIFE, not my ED. I choose to reflect on these pictures and see not just a psychical difference but a mental difference. I see a girl lost VS a self assured woman finding herself. I see a world of misery VS a life full of possibilities. I see a person just barely surviving VS a person planning on making the days worth living. I chose recovery because i won't let my illness define me or control this wonderful life I've been blessed with 💗🌟 Post inspired by the beautiful @amalielee @nourishandeat @iamiskra @bodyposipanda ❤️

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Anorexia RECOVERY•HayleyHarris (@bitingback)

Sarah Ramadan

Sarah długo cierpiała na depresję, która doprowadziła ją do anoreksji. Dziewczyna miała to szczęście, że udało się jej wyjść z choroby. Dziś jest kulturystką i promuje zdrowy styl życia.


2014 -> 2016 💜 It's nice to look back sometimes, to remember the seeds that started this garden, and all the colours that give you warmth. I remember being told once by a doctor in a treatment centre that there was no such thing as a full recovery. He said that I would just have to learn to "live with it" In translation, he suggested I had to compromise with life and death. I had to accept the presence of disorder, dismantle my growth at the hand of mediocrity. There was a line drawn in my focus, and extending beyond this mark was a life I always wanted. But like a craving to food, these dreams were suppressed the limits I learned. It took 3 more years after leaving that hospital to discover that compromise would never work. The odds would shift in one hand or the other, and in 2014, mediocrity nearly left me out of the picture. My heart and various major organs were beginning to fail. I was 68 pounds. The disorder was winning, and in turn, I was dying. A break through moment happened one evening after returning from the hospital. I remembered a moment of my childhood, when I was about 4 years old. I had long hair and refused to wear anything but gowns and tiaras. I ate birthday cake for breakfast, and Halloween Candy was my favourite 'season' of all. When a song came on the radio, I would sing over the lyrics as if the music was made for me and my musing. I would smile at my own reflection, counting the dimples on my face as prerequisite kindergarden work. And I had big cheeks too! Nice full rosy cheeks that were pinch-able and perfect. So perfect, that I wished for nothing more. So perfect, that I refuse to wish her away. Life cannot compromise with death, the same way strength cannot compromise with defeat. I have learned this through both pain and practice. Fighting is not easy when the fight is for a cause; I know no greater reason than to fight for love. For in love, I grow. #TransformationTuesday #VeniVidiVici #FightForGrowth

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Sarah Ramadan (@fightforgrowth)

Aroosha Nekonam

Arooshaod zawsze była perfekcjonistką. Po zakończeniu studiów przeszła na dietę, która zakończyła się długotrwałą anoreksją. Dziś Aroosha jest instruktorką fitness i uczy inne kobiety, jak wyglądać pięknie i zdrowo.

Czujesz się przeciętna? Ten projekt przekona cię, że zwyczajne kobiety są piękne!


My transformation Tuesday is in honour of the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDA). Eating Disorders affect more people than we know. But recovery IS possible . Seek help, seek support and seek life. You deserve recovery, grasp it. The biggest change is not just in my strength or in my size. The biggest change is the now ever more present smile on my face because I battled anorexia and I won. 💪🏻 #NEDA #Neda2016 #NEDAwarenessweek #smallbutstrong #strongnotskinny #strength #recovery #anorexiarecovery #beatit #transformation #transformationtuesday #girlgains #musclegain #girlswholift #girlswhosquat #girlswithmuscle #youtube #youtuber #fitspo #motivation #bodybuilder #bikiniathlete #bikinicompetitor #strengthinnumbers

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Aroosha Nekonam (@arooshanekonam)

Erika "The Tiger"

Erika cierpiała na bulimię i anoreksję. Lekiem na jej chorobę okazał się sport. Dziewczyna w wygrała walkę. Teraz jest szczęśliwą żoną.


I watched for so long as she was drowning, doing nothing. She flailed and sunk and I just stood there. I was sure someone else would save her, someone more qualified. This little girl was dying. She made herself the victim, she was the cause of her pain and no one could stop her. It got out of her control, and every day she was screaming silently to be rescued from the wreck her existence had become. I was angry that no one would step in and do what had to be done. Someone. SAVE HER. But it's not that they didn't want to, it was that they couldn't. Though they tried, no one could get through. So I made up my mind. It had to be me. I would become the hero that girl needs. I would become strong enough to hold her, to heal her, to make sure she KNOWS I love her. I was her only hope, if I didn't do it, that girl would be gone. I found out what she felt and what she needed to let go of, and then I pulled it from her grip. I was the shoulder she leaned on, I was her sanity when the world didn't get it. Ask yourself what kind of hero you need, and then become her. #beyourownhero

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Erika The Tiger (@erikathetiger)

Connie Inglis

Connie choruje na anoreksję od prawie 10 lat. Przybranie na wadze było dla niej czymś nierealnym. Dopiero gdy założyła konto na Instagramie i otrzymała wsparcie od innych użytkowników, udało się jej wyjść z choroby.


A lot of people have asking me how I did it. How I recovered so fast... the truth is, I didn't. An eating disorder is deceptive and horrible. It lures you in and makes you believe that you'd be nothing without it, you wouldn't survive without it. I used to believe my ed was my best friend but all it ever wanted to do was kill me. In the picture on the left I was 13 and had already been struggling for a long time. 💜 There are 8 years between these photos and in that time I have weight restored and relapsed countless times. I have tormented myself mentally and physically. I told myself I was horrible and unworthy of happiness. I have hated my body. I have starved it, I have hurt it, I have left unmeasurable damage. THIS IS NOT MY LIFE ANYMORE!! After 10 years I finally decided I loved my family and friends more than my illness. I decided that I wasn't to blame for everything that had happened. I decided that I deserved to be happy!!! So I finally let go... 💜 If your still struggling I am with you every step of the way. If you've been going through this for lifetimes and feel useless when you see others getting better, I completely understand. If you feel like your Ed is still taking care of you, I understand but I promise there are better things out there!!! If your not taken seriously because you don't fit into the typical anorexia box, your struggles are worthy and you deserve to be helped!!! If your turned away because of you weight, skin colour or gender, FIGHT LIKE HELL!! You deserve to be heard!!! 💜 I'm not telling you this for sympathy or to diminish anyone's struggles!! Everyone's struggles are valid!! But I want you to know that it is possible!! Yes I still have bad days. I still struggle but I'm stronger now and know that I deserve to be happy! Keep going, it's going to be the hardest thing you ever do but it's so worth it! Fight like hell and I'll be fighting with you!! #positivebeatsperfect

Zdjęcie zamieszczone przez użytkownika Connie💜🦄Positive.beats.perfect (@my_life_without_ana)

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